Common Sense Government
Not long ago, Iowa set the bar for good government. Our schools and universities were top-ranked. Our communities thrived. We had pride in our state, and a sense we could achieve big things working together. We respected each other.
But lately we have lost something. Republicans in the statehouse no longer reflect our Iowa values of common sense, fair play, and compassion. Instead Republicans are targeting women, LGBTQ+ children and adults, public schools and teachers, and banning books.
No Iowans asked for this agenda driven by special interests.
Iowa needs leaders at the Statehouse who do what is right, instead of catering to the extremes. Matt’s experience in the military and on City Council demonstrates a history of common sense leadership focusing on policies that bring us together.
Public Education
Public education is at a critical juncture. In the not-too-distance past, Iowa’s schools ranked in the top five in the nation. Now we are middle of the pack. Instead of improving our public schools, statehouse Republicans have underfunded education for years and recently diverted millions of dollars into private schools.
We need elected leaders who understand the importance of supporting Iowa’s public schools. Matt will fight to fund our education system, expand preschool access, and increase investment in community colleges and universities. Matt will also work to roll back bad policies such as private school vouchers and book bans.

Reproductive Healthcare
The rights of women in the United States and Iowa are moving backwards. Recent Iowa legislation effectively banning a woman’s autonomy over her own body and the right to choose cannot stand. We must not go back.
If elected, Matt will fight any new anti-choice legislation and seek to maintain a woman’s right to choose in Iowa.
Clean Water
Iowa has some of the most polluted water in the country, and some of the highest cancer rates in America. Iowans are paying millions to treat source water in order to keep our drinking water safe. Iowans can no longer use the beaches at their parks due to water safety concerns. Matt will support bold action to clean up our water.